Saturday, July 11, 2009

Female Black-Chinned Hummingbird

Yesterday, while swimming, a tiny little hummingbird toyed with the idea of using our pool as a birdbath/water source. It fleeted from one end to the other, resting occasionally on a palmtree prawn or our wall, but even after 20 minutes, she didn't disappear. When we got out of the pool and were drying off, she took took advantage of the oppertunity to use the water. It was about 110 degrees yesterday, and she must have been so hot to wait so long, despite the fact that EVERYONE neighboring me also has a pool.

I ran inside hoping to grab my camera fast enough to snap some pictures of her before she left. When I got outside, I thought she was gone because I didn't see her anywhere. I decided to wait a minute or 2 to see if she would return, and I'm so glad I did. She was just resting in one of our trees. For about 15 minutes, this tiny creature flirted with us, in fact scaring Jadyn several times by getting too close!

I just love nature!

See how tiny it is? This is right before it landed on Jadyn's chair!

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